2021 Edition: Tips to Market your Business through Social Media in Bahrain
Digital marketing trends are fast-evolving and ever-changing. The best way to ensure your brand's continuous success is to keep up with it. Since social media is an essential aspect of online marketing, we had to highlight its growing relevance and importance for the online visibility of your services and products. The increased use of social media in Bahrain during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has further added impetus to that cause.
However, if you create your 2021 social media marketing strategies based on the past years’ trends and techniques, it would hardly make any difference, as the social platforms are constantly upgrading.
Stay Updated to the New Social Media Trends
Let’s take the concept of ‘stories’ as an example. In 2013 the idea of a post (video, pictures, or otherwise) that would have a life span of 24 hours was introduced by Snapchat. It quickly became a handy promotional medium. Seeing its popularity among the users, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp followed, with YouTube’s ‘shorts’ and Twitter's fleets’ being the last ones to get launched in 2020. So, if you are launching a new product in 2021, both Fleets and Shorts have to be in your social media marketing plans.
(Source: https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2020/introducing-fleets-new-way-to-join-the-conversation.html https://www.searchenginejournal.com/youtube-shorts-launching-in-usa-in-march/396276/#:~:text=YouTube%20Shorts%2C%20a%20stories%2Dlike,it%20currently%20remains%20in%20beta)
On that note, here are the top 5 tips to market your business/services through social media in Bahrain this year.
Streaming on Social Media
Amid the pandemic, social media platforms became the most convenient and widely used means to stay connected with friends and family. During the lockdown, people began live streaming their activities. Leading brands were able to pick up on this and began live-streaming their promotional events across platforms for the target audience. It was widely received and appreciated, and even in 2021, it should remain your top strategy.
Influencer Marketing
Using social media influencers to market your brand has become a standard practice in social media marketing. So, you should make every effort to contact the top influencers related to your domain and leverage their popularity to attract consumers.
Promoting Stories
As already mentioned, social media stories are great for promotions. Whether you are launching a new service/product or announcing special offers, stories are a great way for getting the word out and increasing the consumers’ interest.
Campaign for a Cause
Another aftermath of the pandemic; a recent Twitter survey has revealed that more than 74% of the consumers respond better to a brand that supports a cause or contributes to the upliftment of the vulnerable sections of the community. So, the tip here is to keep track of the local as well as global #hashtags for social causes. For instance, you can collaborate with a non-profit for community service and promote it on your social media pages. By doing this, you are not only giving back to the community, but also creating a positive impact for your brand.
(Source: https://marketing.twitter.com/en/insights/twitter-covid19-advertising-policy)
Social Shopping
The use of social media platforms to sell products may not be a new concept, but its popularity has skyrocketed in recent years. There are several tools and features that allow a business to not only promote, but also sell their products by setting up a virtual ecommerce storefront. This is another effective way to increase customer interaction and make your brand more accessible to them.
Include all these tips and tricks within your online marketing plans and see your brand reach the heights of success and recognition this year.
To achieve fair results from all the above-mentioned points, you need a trusted company with marketing experience on social media in Bahrain. SociaLight Digital Marketing is one of the leading digital marketing firms working with both local and international businesses with affordable digital marketing packages, with a successful track record.
Blog Source: https://www.socialight-marketing.com/2021-edition-tips-to-market-your-business-through-social-media-in-bahrain/
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